What To Eat With Hummus For Weight Loss

What To Eat With Hummus For Weight Loss

“Eat for the body you want, not for the body you have.”

Your body reflects what you eat, especially when you are trying to lose weight. There is a myth that working out is the only thing that helps you healthily lose weight. But, what you eat and when you eat is equally important. Speaking of the best foods that help in weight loss, hummus is a food that often pops up.

Hummus is a Middle Eastern dip made by mixing cooked chickpeas with tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds. People often add garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil to enhance its flavor.

But what should you eat with hummus to lose weight? In this blog, we will answer this question and suggest some fat-loss foods you can pair with hummus to help you on your weight-loss journey.

Why Add Other Food With Hummus?

Hummus is made from chickpeas, a good plant protein source. However, you’ll have to eat a lot of hummus to extract a good portion of protein. For instance, a cup of hummus contains around 20 grams of protein but also 400 calories, which is a lot. Hence, the question of what to eat with hummus for weight loss.

Besides this, here is a list of other reasons why you should add other food items with hummus for weight loss.

Flavor Enhancement:

Hummus has a rich, creamy texture and a savory flavor that can enhance the taste of other foods. Combining it with different items like vegetables, bread, or meat can create a more complex and enjoyable flavor profile.

Nutritional Balance:

While hummus is nutritious, it’s primarily a source of protein and healthy fats. Pairing it with vegetables, whole grains, or lean proteins can create a more balanced meal, providing a wider range of nutrients.

Cultural and Culinary Traditions:

In many cultures, hummus is traditionally served with a variety of accompaniments like pita bread, olives, and fresh vegetables. These pairings have been developed over time and are often considered classic combinations.


Combining hummus with fiber-rich foods like vegetables or whole grains can help increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction, making it easier to manage hunger and maintain energy levels throughout the day.

Since hummus is high in protein, combining it with other nutrient-rich food items, can also make a good meal if you are trying to follow the 30 30 30 diet or the 30 day fasting challenge.

Foods You Can Eat With Hummus For Weight Loss

What To Eat With Hummus For Weight Loss

Now that we know why you must eat other foods with hummus, here is a list of what to eat with hummus for weight loss.

Tip: For quicker results, try these food items along with hummus and follow our 2 weeks workout routine to lose 15 pounds.

1. Veggies

If you’re wondering what to eat with hummus for weight loss, vegetables are some of the best foods. They are rich in vitamins and fiber, and hummus will give you protein, healthy fats, and vitamins while remaining relatively low in calories. Slice your veggies and use hummus as a dip. The fiber in veggies and the fat in hummus will help you feel filled while keeping your caloric intake low, which will help you in your weight loss journey.

Best Choices:

  • Cherry Tomatoes: They are rich in antioxidants, and their sweet and sour taste enhances the taste of hummus even further.
  • Broccoli: It is high in Vitamin K, promoting blood and bone health. A cup of broccoli can fulfill your body’s 92% requirement for Vitamin K.
  • Bell Peppers- They are some of the highest sources of vitamin C and are tasty veggies, which is the answer to your question of what to eat with hummus for weight loss
2. Whole Grain Crackers Or Pita Chip

If you are just looking for a snacking option with hummus you can always try pita chips or whole wheat crackers. This is one of the best answers to your question of what to eat with hummus for weight loss. Whole wheat is high in complex carbohydrates, which, unlike simple carbohydrates, take a long time to digest. Thus, they keep you full for a long time with relatively low calories.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your crackers or Pita Chips are baked rather than fried.

3. Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are hard-boiled, which are then cut in half and dressed with other ingredients like mustard or mayonnaise. However, to help with weight loss, you can use hummus as a dressing. This will significantly increase your protein intake while keeping the caloric intake in check, as 100 grams of boiled eggs contain a little more than 12 grams of protein and a mere 150 calories.

You can also pair hummus with lean meats like chicken strips or turkey slices.

What To Eat With Hummus For Weight Loss

4. Tofu

For vegans, tofu is a miracle food. It is guilt-free and has ample protein. So, if you want to increase your protein intake without having to eat meat or eggs, you can pair your hummus with tofu. You can also roast the tofu and then dip it in hummus. 250 grams of tofu has around 20 gm of protein, which amounts to 200 calories, which is relatively quite low. One of the best things about tofu is that it is a blank canvas that can be painted the way you like. As mentioned by food journalist and author Mark Bittman, “Tofu may be bland on its own, but its beauty lies in its ability to absorb any flavor you give it.” It is also a great option for those following intermittent fasting.

Also, check out if celsius or Splenda can break for fast.

5. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are ideal choices for people who are wondering what to eat with hummus for weight loss. They are high in fat and protein, making them a perfect pairing with hummus. However, you also have to be a little mindful while eating nuts and seeds with hummus, as they are also very calorie-dense.

Almonds are your best option as they are rich in protein and healthy fats. You can also eat pumpkin seeds, which are one of the best sources of magnesium.

Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy

What we eat is what we become, and this is why eating healthy is extremely important for a good life nowadays.

This blog covers all the foods you can eat with hummus. So, if you are wondering what to eat with hummus for weight loss, this blog has the answer.

All the foods mentioned above should be consumed in a limited amount, as eating more than recommended can result in some adverse effects.

Read about your favorite celebrity weight loss journeys 

Sydney Simpson Weight Loss Journey
Kelly O’Donnell Weight Loss Journey

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