Why is the 30 30 30 Diet Trending? Can It Help Lose Weight?

Why is the 30 30 30 Diet Trending? Can It Help Lose Weight?
Weight loss has been an evergreen trending topic among creators, YouTubers, doctors, fitness freaks, nutritionists, and even homemakers. After all, losing weight is one thing everyone around the world is interested in. And why not? Though earlier, the reason behind weight loss was generalized beauty standards, today, it has more to do with a healthy and fit body. Speaking of, in recent years, trainers, nutritionists, and YouTubers have come up with numerous diet plans and workout routines, some of them actually worked, while the others were just fads, a way of gaining more views.

Ever since November, one such trending diet plan is the 30 30 30 diet. It has been gaining a lot of traction after Gary Brecka, went viral for a video talking about the 30 30 30 diet. Though the method was known beforehand, it has only recently gained momentum. But is it actually worth putting in all the effort or just another fad? Let’s find out!

What is the 30 30 30 Diet Plan?

Before, we jump to the conclusion, that whether the 30 30 30 diet is worth, you first need to know, what it even is. To put it simply, the 30 30 30 diet refers to three different 30s. First, 30 grams of protein intake, second, within 30 minutes of waking up, lastly, followed by a 30-minute low-intensity workout. For a better understanding, below we’ve explained each 30 thoroughly:

Step 1 – Eat 30 grams of Protein

The first step is quite simple, all you have to do is, eat 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. Now, we understand, 30 minutes may seem less time, to cook something up that too as soon as you wake up. So it is our advice to prep your breakfast the night before. To reach your goal, your diet can be:

  • 3 scrambled eggs with cheese
  • Fruit smoothie with protein powder
  • Greek yogurt with nuts
  • Cottage cheese with pineapple
  • High protein bread with nut butter/ eggs and cheese
  • A bowl of quinoa topped with tofu, eggs, beans, or cheese
Step 2 – 30 Minutes of Exercise

The first two 30s are already covered, now the last 30 is for the workout. According to the rule, after your protein intake, you need to move on to 30 minutes of low-intensity workout. Plan out what exercises you wish to do beforehand, you can go for:

  • A walk around your neighborhood or on a treadmill
  • Ride on a bicycle
  • Dance for half an hour
  • Do some laps in the pool
  • Go for a jog
  • If you go to the gym, you can opt for cardio

Gary Brecka - The Man Who Set 30 30 30 Diet in Trend

You know what the 30 30 30 diet is, but what made it trending? Who was the reason behind 30 30 30 being the most viral diet plan anyone can talk about?


It is none other than Gary Brecka, a popular biologist.


Though the 30 30 30  method first appeared in a book called The 4-Hour Body, released in 2010 by Tim Ferris, the method went viral after Gary made a video on tik tok discussing this diet. The video immediately blew up gaining 1.5 million views. In the video, Brecka is seen talking about how he always has women asking him that even after following a strict routine consistently, they’re unable to shed a single pound. To which, Gary replies, that even if you’re not eating, the body is. Meaning instead of breaking down the fat, “not eating” promotes the melting of lean muscle and not fat. Only then did he introduce the world again with the 30 30 30 diet after Tim Ferris’s book… and the rest is history!

How Does The 30 30 30 Diet Work?

30 30 30 Diet focuses on three key components: protein intake, exercise, and carbohydrate control, here’s how each aspect of the diet works:

30 Grams of Protein

Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, supporting muscle growth, and promoting satiety, which can help control appetite and reduce calorie intake. With 30 grams of protein, the aim is to stabilize blood sugar levels, prevent cravings, and support the body’s metabolism.

30 Minutes of Exercise

Exercise can include a variety of activities, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or strength training. The combination of protein-rich meals and regular exercise can create a calorie deficit, leading to weight loss over time.

30 30 30 Diet: Mechanism

It works by promoting balanced meals that are rich in protein, moderate in carbohydrates, and supported by regular physical activity

Metabolic Boost:

Regular exercise, combined with adequate protein intake, helps increase metabolism, build lean muscle mass, and enhance fat burning, supporting weight loss and overall metabolic health.

Behavioral Changes

The simplicity of the 30 30 30 approach makes it easier for individuals to adopt and maintain healthy habits over the long term. The diet encourages sustainable lifestyle changes that promote health and well-being.

Benefits of Following 30 30 30 Diet

According to the ACE reports whenever your heart rate is above your resting heart rate, that is a step to maintain, if not improve your fitness. And getting your heart rate there is not a big deal, all thanks to the 30 30 30 diet. Not only does this approach help burn calories better but has a number of other benefits as well, namely:

  • Improved Muscle Tone
  • Appetite Control
  • Stabilized Blood Sugar
  • Increased Energy
  • Nutrient Absorption

Potential Shortcomings of the Trending 30 30 30 Diet Plan

Like any other method, even the 30 30 30 diet has its own shortcomings. Since this is a set rule method, it may not be suitable for everyone, meaning it lacks individualization, making it less adaptable to different metabolic rates and activity levels. There is potential for nutrient deficiency over time because of the limited food variety. Plus there is a risk of nutrient imbalance by overemphasizing protein intake at the expense of other essential nutrients.

Quick Recap of 30 30 30 Diet Plan

The 30 30 30 diet plan is the new hotshot in the fitness industry, and yes it has proven to be effective for majority of the people. There are many benefits to following this approach, like not only getting fit but also improving your metabolic rate and overall health. Regardless, you must listen to what your body says. Because this is a standard approach it may not be fit for everyone or may not be yielding to all. Listen to your body, make the amends in the approach that your body needs, after consulting a specialist and you’ll be looking towards a newer, fitter you!
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